** Please don't drop off donations outside our front door.
** Make sure to coordinate with WVSA staff prior to arrival
Come visit us at our new office space!
The backbone of the Women Veterans of San Antonio is our networking and social activities. When women leave their military service they often neglect to self identify and stay connected with that important part of their past.
As Andrea Goldstein stated in her 2018 article: "Women Are the Most Visible Service Members, and the Most Invisible Veterans.....servicewomen are acutely aware of their visibility as a minority while in uniform and their invisibility as veterans. To be a woman in the military is to live with coexisting identities that are dissonant with conventional gender roles. It is to live with the greatest empowerment and also to feel isolated, invisible, and misunderstood both by the institution in which one serves and by the society whose Constitution one is sworn to protect. It is why, when many women leave the military, they choose not to self-identify as veterans."
The Women Veterans of San Antonio aims to reconnect the women Veterans in our community with one another through our wide range of events. We also want to bring public awareness to the specific issues of women Veterans as well as educate them with the fact that WOMEN ARE VETERANS TOO!
Copyright Women Veterans Of San Antonio. All rights reserved.
By Appointment ONLY
(Call or email)
Please visit our meetup.com page to stay up to date with all of our upcoming events!
Meetup page: https://www.meetup.com/Women-Veterans-of-San-Antonio/